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out of crop造句

"out of crop"是什么意思  
  • The AAA tried to force higher prices for commodities by paying farmers to take land out of crops and to cut herds.
  • It's as though one dressed in a hurry with untucked shirttails, sleeves half rolled up and scarves peeking out of crop tops.
  • A grassed waterway reduces soil erosion and captures most nutrients and pesticides that would normally wash out of crop fields and into major waters.
  • Coarse grains production forecasts are down nine percent to 6.9 million tons, as farmers move out of crops such as barley and oats to higher-return canola, Beare said.
  • Coarse grains production forecasts are down nine percent to 6 . 9 million tons, as farmers move out of crops such as barley and oats to higher-return canola, Beare said.
  • But agricultural experts say that good weather could easily result in another bumper harvest as farmers will take their least productive land out of crops while continuing to upgrade their equipment and seed quality.
  • Under the conservation program, the government will pay farmers $ 39 an acre each year to take environmentally fragile land out of crop production for 10 years to conserve soil, boost wildlife habitat and improve water quality.
  • House budget writers are scheduled to vote today on a subcommittee plan to limit the Agriculture Department to enrolling 14 million acres in the Conservation Reserve Program, which protects land from erosion by taking it out of crop production.
  • Under the $ 1.9-billion-a-year conservation program, the government pays farmers $ 50 an acre each year to take environmentally fragile land out of crop production for 10 years to 15 years to conserve soil, boost wildlife habitat and improve water quality.
  • Under the $ 1 . 9-billion-a-year conservation program, the government pays farmers $ 50 an acre each year to take environmentally fragile land out of crop production for 10 years to 15 years to conserve soil, boost wildlife habitat and improve water quality.
  • It's difficult to see out of crop in a sentence. 用out of crop造句挺难的
  • They could set him apart from rivals like Dole, who does not like Lugar's proposed phase-out of crop subsidies for farmers in Kansas and elsewhere, and Gramm, who fervently supports tax cuts while fighting proposals to pay for them by trimming popular Texas programs.
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